Thursday, November 30, 2006

Folkways Collection Episode Five

Oops. I accidently saved this as a draft instead of publishing it.

"Everything I say is a lie"

studying the beauty around you?

The New Lost City Rambles

Penny's Farm

Bob Dylan! I saw him play this song.

Blues and folk based bands. Songs that were easy to play, made it our own, went beyond that music


Strange religion

Hillbilly music, race records

Take old records and put them together in a new way. Pfft. I wish I could make money doing this.

peyote ceremonies, sometimes lasting several days

Harry Smith...He just recorded the stuff, I don't get it.
4 hrs 4 hrs. Drugs opening his mind up to new possibilities

Allen Ginsberg, woah, he lived with him.

Blind Willie Johnson w/ wife Angeline- "John the Revelator"

in that complexity came the positive w/ the negative

Bleh! Moooooooooore muuuuuuuuuuuusic. Less Harry Smith.

Hawaiin guitar...ritual murder, Milstone Hawaiins, Fatal Flower Garden

True Renaissance Man

collectors...string games, paper airplanes

Harlem. jumps into garbage. sold photographs

Carter Family, John Harding was a desperate little man

Dangerous, living in a very different world

lunch w/ Alan Lomax, lunch w/ Harry Smith

"Spike Driver Blues"

the bible

Mississippi John Hurt I liked this one.

exotic records

The study of knowledge

Is Allen Ginsberg still alive?